Prorated Tuition

In some instances, usually for the last term of enrollment, students may wish to explore with their College the option of enrolling for fewer than 12 credits. In addition to academic considerations, enrolling for fewer than 12 credits could result in a prorated tuition charge.

The prorated, per credit tuition charge is calculated by dividing the semester tuition amount by 12.

Cornell awards aid based on full-time enrollment bluebet sportsbook(12 or more credits) each term, so financial aid is extremely limited for those with prorated tuition charges. Prorated tuition will not be a good financial choice for those who receive significant aid. Students considering a request for prorated tuition should discuss the effect on aid with the Office of Financial bluebet appAid and Student Employment.

The process:

  • Discuss with your College Registrar the possibility of enrolling for fewer than 12 credits. Complete and submit an “Application for Proration of Tuition” form.
    • If the College Registrar approves the prorated tuition request,
      • It will be forwarded to the University Registrar; and
      • It will be forwarded to the Office for Financial bluebet appAid and Student Employment to be reviewed.

What happens to financial aid?

  • Institutional aid (Cornell Grant, Cornell Commitment Awards, Endowed Scholarships, University Loan, etc.) is cancelled.
  • Federal campus-based aid is cancelled. This includes FSEOG and Federal Work-Study.
  • Outside scholarship donors are contacted. Donors may ask that their funds be returned.
  • New York State Aid (TAP, New York State Merit, and all other state-based awards) is cancelled.
  • William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans, both subsidized and unsubsidized, are prorated based on number of credit hours when the student is enrolled for only one semester in an academic year. At fewer than six credits, no funding is available.
  • Federal Direct PLUS loans bluebet appare not available at fewer than six credits.
  • The Federal Pell Grant is prorated based on the number of credit hours.